Monday, July 9, 2007

The End of the End is Near

Mission Off-Target, Says Iraq Report
Posted: 2007-07-09 21:56:33

WASHINGTON (July 9) - A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform, speeding up the Bush administration's reckoning on what to do next, a U.S. official said Monday.

One likely result of the report will be a vastly accelerated debate among President Bush's top aides on withdrawing troops and scaling back the U.S. presence in Iraq.

To see a review of the major planning mistakes at the start of thw Iraq War, see

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At July 21, 2007 at 9:34 PM , Blogger MikeSar said...

It is increasingly clear that the Iraq Invasion was never analyzed to even determine if there was any hope of "Victory".
The fact that "Victory" has been, and continues to be, redefined is a hint, the fact that the violence, with some temporary exceptions, has increased continuously sends a clear and obvious message.
The only decision left is how many more will have to die, on both sides, before we leave.
Tactics switched between "winning their hearts and minds" and "shock and awe, scare them to death or kill'em all!"
Are we now at the same point in the Vietnam War when we could not believe the strongest nation in the world could not defeat an small inconsequential nation?

Someone asked "are we trying to convince them that bullets will not work, by using bullets?"
A logical conundrum.
Pres. Bush, for the first time used the term "Ideology" what ideology are we trying to defeat and how are we going to do that?
Our president said, and Condy Rice has also said that the power of Democracy is enough to convince them and convert them.
Otherwise, she said, that would mean that we are some kind of special or superior people.

She forgot that a concept of Free Will is inherent on the value of "Freedom of Choide", otherwise it is a meaningless freedom.
Has anybody in Government studied or ask whether Muslims believe in a Free Will, or did they just assume that? What else did they ignore, that is important?
You mean they NEVER asked?
Need we say more!

At April 24, 2008 at 1:25 PM , Blogger MikeSar said...

"She forgot that a concept of Free Will is inherent on the value of "Freedom of Choice", otherwise it is meaningless... (Did any) ask whether Muslims believe in a Free Will, or did they just assume that? What else did they ignore, that is important? You mean they NEVER asked? Need we say more!
July 21, 2007 9:34 PM"
Yes, there is more sad news. Admiral Fallon was dismissed because he is alleged to be against the policy in Iraq.
That man not only has a soul, he remembers he does have one.
The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has 128 buildings at a price of nearly a Billion dollars. When our candidates say we are going to protect the Embassy, that is like saying we have to protect a city, like Baghdad, with its Green Zone under daily rocket attacks.
Have we discover how to keep a man in a robe from launching a rocket?
Should they check the robes of all men? And, all women? Can we do it?
Once more we have proven what philosophers noted 24 Centuries ago, that if you go in the wrong direction from the beginning, you will end at the wrong destination, with wrong goal, and in the process switch to bad principles, you are likely to end where you did not want to go: In the wrong place! Simple, isn't?
For the record: Sen. McCain in a moment of candor admitted that we might consider the committment open ended, "Make it a hundered!" he responded, about how long it might take to "win".
We are in Denial!
We refuse to accept reality and believe what we imagine the truth OUGHT to be. We refuse to believe the barrel of oil reached $117 Dlls and everything carried by truck will have to go up in price and salaries have to go up, to keep up with inflation and the higher prices. The real estate Foreclosures keep on booming and there is no end in sight!
Our Commander-in-Chief ordered that "It is not a Recession, it is an Economic Slowdown!"
That and King Lear will make the ocean tides, and Economic Tsunami go back to the bottom of the ocean.
Time to consider calling a shrink.

At June 5, 2008 at 11:47 PM , Blogger MikeSar said...

Now we know....
Mr. Scott McClellan, the Chief Spokesman for Pres. Bush was pushed out his job and wrote a book. I his book he mentions two things that explain the Complexity in the Iraq war.
First, the decision to attack Iraq had no logical connection to the 9/11 attack. The decision was made BEFORE 9/11.
Second, when Pres. Bush was asked whether this was "A War of Choice" or "A War of Necessity" he responded in a confused manner, AS IF HE HAD NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT!

If a set of actions have no logical links or connections, then, all efforts trying to link the actions in a logical manner are bound to fail or be imaginary. THAT's why the war makes no sense, that's why the War in Iraq APPEARS so Complex, because it does not and cannot make any logical sense.

Scott McClellan and Bill Moyers complement each other's finding. Bill Moyers Journal called it "The Selling of the War" and Scott called it "Propaganda To Sell the War in Iraq" AFTER the decision had been made.

Further, the brilliant Richard Clarke also fell in the same trap I did, he tried to find the logical structural flaw that created the problem and intended to provide a solution.
I have not finished his book but it is illogical that the structural flaw can be identified, if the actions were simply illogical or simply wrong. Not random but not taken after clear logical determination of the need to act by attacking Iraq without any serious consideration of the consequences, lack of sufficient troops, no serious cost estimates no exit strategy, etc. It was just a dream to bring Democracy to the area and victory was assured by the view that Democracy will "sell" itself!

Scott wrote that the decision to attack Iraq had been made and, his implication is that 9/11 only provided "the cover", the "excuse", to attack Iraq.
Can such actions happen again? Probably not because the new people will have history to tell them about the pain, cost and futility of actions based on "gut feelings" and supported not by logic but by Propaganda.

Mr. Richard Clarke also wrote a book "Your Government Failed You" in which he said the problem was the failure of the Secretary of State, Condy Rice, to be the "Quality Control" of the validity of the information used to make the decision to attack Iraq.
This is insufficient. An argument on the logic of using valid or invalid information is irrelevant if the decision has already been taken. The principals do not have any way to stop the President from making a wrong decision, if the decision is already made. Should they have resigned? Only if they thought they would have the power to stop the President from the "outside", which seems most unlikely.

That the President, or the Vice President, were clever enough to use Propaganda to convert Senators to their side speaks volumes on the Senators but little on what limits ought to be imposed on the actions of a President.

Simply put: The Problem is NOT Structural, the problem is that a lot of people failed to do their job, not only the Secretary of State but also Congress and the Press or the Media.

No changes are needed, we must be more careful and not elect people that either do not have good principles or lack the Integrity, the intellectual capacity and honesty to follow their good principles and, if necessary, "fall on their sword", would we expect a woman to do that? Maybe, we should reconsider the value of an official unwilling to die for his or her country.

This is The Problem of Everyman, we must all follow Good Principles but the fact is that Only Saints do. There is no way to design an structural solution to keep the evil or the incompetent from acting badly. If there was a way to produce Saints, Churches would have found it by now, only believers of pseudo-science of Psychology can believe such self-delusion.
In this case the Propaganda was so good that the media became active and complicit in "Selling the War" like Bill Moyers fully described.

There is no need to change the Constitution, we must be careful to exclude the self-serving and the incompetent from getting elected, this means, to be explicit, that only Sen. Obama is intellectually qualified to be President of the United States.

At June 6, 2008 at 12:00 AM , Blogger MikeSar said...

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that not only Sen. Obama was against the war from the beginning but TV clips show that Sen. Byrd of West Virgina, an Obama supporter, was clearly against the war resolution and warned the other Senators they were making a mistake.
Sen. Byrd is very old but his brain, logic and principles are in good, outstanding order.


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